Mar 1, 2021 | Mold Testing
Finding mold in a house is always alarming. But there are ways to correct it and prevent the mold from returning. Here are some things Mold – What is it? We’ve probably all seen mold at some time in our life. It can be a light, fuzzy white, gray or black matter on the...
May 2, 2019 | Mold Testing
Mold in your house can be caused by any multitude of reasons, most of which are related to water damage. You can take preventative measures like keeping your pipes up to date, drying out wet areas around the house, and using an air purifier. However, if you’re worried...
Sep 5, 2018 | Mold Testing, Videos
Not only does mold degrade the integrity of your home’s walls, floors, and ceilings, it can also cause major health problems. Depending on the type of mold in the home extreme measures may need to be taken to eradicate it and restore your possessions. Let’s...
Apr 5, 2018 | Mold Testing
Mold is a dangerous, potentially deadly problem that many Americans must deal with in their homes. It’s possible that mold could be growing somewhere in your home without you even knowing it. Mold can be harmless, and mostly unsightly. However, different species can...