Sep 21, 2020 | Home Inspection Services
If you are reading this, you may be looking for some home inspection tips for buyers. You may also have some questions about what a home inspector does. A home inspector is sometimes confused with a real estate appraiser so to clarify, an inspector determines the...
Sep 4, 2020 | Home Inspection Services
Buying your first house can be very Intimidating. There are many decisions to make in a very short period of time. There’s a lot of information coming at you and it’s all new. That’s why we’ve found that it is important to prepare our clients...
Jun 5, 2018 | Pre-Sale Inspections
Townhomes (sometimes spelled town homes) and row homes are convenient for those who are looking to downsize from a large single-family home or expand their space from a cramped condo. Because of the way townhomes are built, there are some of the most common townhome...